Renewable Energy Power
76.27GW! Spain raises PV installation target
Spain has officially approved the latest National Integrated Energy and Climate Plan proposed by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Population Challenges. The country now officially aims to expand renewable energy capacity to 81% by 2030, up from 74% in the 2021 version of the NECP.

Specific to power installed capacity, Spain's new goals are: by 2030, to achieve 76.27GW of solar photovoltaic power generation (including 19GW of self-use capacity), higher than the 39GW proposed in the 2021 version of the NECP; energy storage target is 22.5GW; wind power installed capacity target reaches 62GW (including 3GW of offshore wind power); hydropower generation target is 12GW; biogas power generation target is 20TWh; solar thermal power generation will also contribute 4.8GW of power generation. In addition, the country has set a goal of achieving 12GW of electrolytic hydrogen production capacity by 2030.

To achieve this, an estimated investment of €308 billion is required by 2030, of which 37% will be in renewable energy, 28% in savings and efficiency, 17% in energy networks and 17% in electrification of the economy.

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